Cosmetic Dentistry

Learn the Latest About Integrated Dental Arts

Why Are My Teeth Starting To Look Transparent?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed that your teeth are starting to look transparent or see-through? If so, you might wonder why this is happening and what you can do about it. Teeth that appear transparent can be a sign of underlying dental issues. Let’s explore some potential causes of transparent teeth … Read More

Effectively Whiten Teeth with Minimal Sensitivity

Brightening your smile with tooth whitening treatments can be a rewarding experience, though it sometimes leads to temporary tooth sensitivity. This side effect can make you experience quick discomfort, especially when your teeth are exposed to certain temperatures or when you’re eating certain foods. If you’re interested in tooth whitening but worried about sensitivity, here’s … Read More

How Dental Veneers Can Make Your Teeth Look Better

As we ring in the New Year, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past and contemplating ways to enhance our lives in the coming year. One common resolution that often tops the list is the desire for self-improvement, and what better way to start fresh than by transforming your smile through cosmetic dentistry … Read More

Is It Normal To Have Some Discomfort After A Dental Procedure?

Integrated Dental Arts in Spokane, WA

Needing to get a dental procedure can be a nerve-wracking experience, so is not knowing what to expect after treatment. It’s important to know that your dentist in Spokane will do everything they can to make every visit to their office comfortable. But what if you do experience discomfort after a procedure? The truth is, there … Read More

Smile! June is National Smile Month

Integrated Dental Arts in Spokane, WA

June is National Smile Month, and what better way to celebrate than by taking care of your oral health and achieving a healthy and beautiful smile? At our dental office in Spokane, we believe that a great smile is more than just a cosmetic enhancement – it’s a sign of good overall health. Here are … Read More

Does Green Beer Stain Your Teeth? 

Some of the most common ways people celebrate St. Patrick’s Day are by wearing a bunch of green, maybe going to a parade, and oftentimes, drinking beer. It’s also likely that you’ll be able to find many bars and restaurants serving green beer, after all, this is one of the biggest drinking holidays all year. … Read More

What’s The Fastest Way to Get Whiter Teeth?

Nearly everyone strives to have a white smile. In fact, according to research published in the National Library of Medicine, 80% of Americans between the ages 18 and 49 wish that they had whiter teeth. While there are plenty of different ways to whiten teeth, not all of them show results in the same amount … Read More

Your Smile May Be Aging You


When we hit a certain age, we tend to place more focus on our appearance and take preventive measures to keep up a youthful look. We exercise, eat right, protect our skin with sunscreen, and visit the salon to dye our hair or undergo cosmetic procedures. But what about your smile? At my dental office … Read More

A Simple Smile Can Make a Big Impact


Smiling is such a simple act. So simple that even babies do it while they’re still in the womb. Although effortless, smiling is actually a pretty powerful action. At my Spokane dental office, we know that the easy act of smiling can actually make quite an impact on your health and the health of others. … Read More